Monday, November 13, 2006

Reflections 2006 by my pupils..check it out!

Came up with a brilliant idea to occupy my class. gave each one a piece of paper and they are to write on the Topic: My Reflections on 2006.. gave them a few guidelines on how to write it and to my surprise, they weren't complaining about doing it. I expected alot of groanings.. I thought they'd rather play UNO cards and "S.t.r.e.s.s" than to do this lor. but they were actually quite onz about it. hahz

2 possible reasons: 1, they're sick of playing their card games (they've been playing the same games for 2 whole weeks already!). 2, they're seriously reflecting since most have gotten their results already, except for the P6s.

compiled their reflections and thought that some were really quite sincere and funny. some drew to decorate the paper and realised that boys are more artistically inclined in drawing..observed across P1-P6.


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