Thursday, November 02, 2006

PSI: ∞ infinity ∞

It was bloody noisy. the word "noise" was sprouting out from every corner of the classroom.

I looked around trying to detect where on earth the bulk of the pollution was coming from. But all the little groups seemed okay.. as in not overly noisy. But when their powers combined (the chattering powers of 45 kids.... at the same time!!), it was simply chaotic.. the chattering and giggling and just looking at their relentless movement of their lips, I was sent into a state of insanity, coupled with pricking headache and beads of perspiration flowing down my temple.

I sank down at my chair in office, happy to enjoy the aircon and shelter from PSI: ∞

great that the weekend is finally round the corner and my tuition has finally came to a stop..till mid dec.. yeah. means no $$ coming in.. shucks.! whatever..still happy to get out of the routine for a while.

mochi says: don't think even captain planet can right the PSI i'm facing here.~~

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