Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ragged doll arms

it's that age where I find myself attending endless bb showers and weddings. And it's really only the beginning. Compared myself to other friends who get like 1 invitation every month or so, mine seem mediocore.

So that's how I spent the last 2 weekends.

Sigh. Received an unfortunate news today and just hope everything will be okay for my friend. Jiayou ML! Cliche it is but life IS unpredictable folks. Cherish it. Spend all your bonuses coz you never know what will happen tomorrow.

Rekindled my love for kickboxing and today was the first class. It's really THE class to go for if you really want to sweat it out and push your body so physically hard that the aches are medals representing your achievements.

I had lots of medals. Just sitting here typing is zapping my arms and fingers of precious energy. I couldn't wash my hair properly just now coz my arms and back were aching so bad that i couldn't lift them up and hold for 2 secs. They felt almost dislocated.

I want to blog about a nice new cafe I went recently at marina square called Rock n Ash..but I'll have to leave it for the next post when I feel more normal. I'll be back.

Friday, November 19, 2010

it's holiday-ING time.

it's the time of the year where we're just itching for a holiday.. anywhere. I'm a super impromptu packaged traveller. I'm so lazy to plan my itinerary coz since it's a holiday, I want my precious brain to take a holiday too. Makes sense. I'm a short term person too and it's preferred that I don't plan further than 6 months. I like the sudden adrenaline rush at the thought that I'll be seeing another place really soon. Cheap thrill.

Back to 重点. Yea. I am going away for xmas. Ho Ho Ho, I'll be away santa! yeah... this time going to 张家界 in Hu Nan Province. I read the itinerary and was super excited when I found the names of the sights totally foreign. Ulu is good. Google it and you'll find yourself drooling at the scenery.Okay, maybe only applies to me. heh. Another experience with winter china since the last with 九寨沟 in 2005.

And yep, just to clarify for the sake of Emily san.... i'll be visiting the zhang family not 周家庄。lol.

On a separate note, I've been struggling to stay awake after 10pm every night.

I refuse to believe it's age. But till I can find a better reason, that has to be the primary suspect I guess.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

happie PH

Half of the PH is gone.

I spent my morning enjoying 3 pieces of bread with tuna and cheese and my cup of old town coffee.

Noon was a date with my family at Soup Restaurant at Hg mall to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary. Sweet.

Afterwhich was just hours of bejeweled, brainlessly enjoying the bitchiness of britain's next top model and now surfing the net to update myself with the latest songs. Anthony Neely is so cute. Kawaii.. and bonus that he can really sing.

Not an exciting day but what better way to pass a rainy wednesday.

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Was distracted by the drama on tv while ironing and poked the iron right onto my knee. Don't ask why knee.. more likely injuries should be on my fingers or tummy. but ya..I like to stand in a flamingo position when I'm ironing, with one feet curved up resting on the other knee. So I kena the knee that was curved up.

It was pain. PAIN. The skin turned white immediately and the skin came loose, grossing flapping revealing the raw flesh. and mine was only a ten-cent coin superficial burn. I cannot imagine Selina's 40% of 3rd deg burns....eeeks. must be hell.

I've been listening to this song over n over again. It's one of those 耐听 songs which might sound a little odd at first but once you catch the tune, it's super addictive. Plus it's kinda rock...i like!



還是原來那個我 不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會還這張臉一堆笑容
不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
早點認錯 早一點解脫

我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去 痛到 受不了 想到 快瘋掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會 笨到 忘不了 賴著 不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 借來的都該還掉

還是原來那個你 是我自己做夢你有改變什麼
再多的愛也沒用 每個人有每個人的業障因果
會有什麼 什麼都沒有
早點看破 才看得見以後

我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去 痛到 受不了 想到 快瘋掉
我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會 笨到 忘不了 賴著 不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 我總會把你戒掉