Sunday, March 28, 2010

End of FY Mar 2010

In organisational context, the end of a year's operations along with the account closing for that year is called the financial year. Ours is in March. So March is the closing of whatever shit that happened in 2010 and the start to embracing whatever new shit, hopefully good ones, that comes. Some restructure taking place and well, it's for the good. Under a new boss, new and hopefully less painful, hair-pulling communication, processes and meetings. YOSH!

I smell a good rocking' start with Mayday and opening of CCL1&2 on 17 Apr! I'm a supporter of public transport and I really look forward to more rail lines splattering all over the little red dot. YAY!

Saw the ad of some hokkien concert in papers featuring my otosan's fave singer 蔡小琥。The hokkien concert is called 3蔡1妃. The conversation with the sistic salesgirl was traumatic as I felt totally helpless as I couldn't give other details besides the main guy I know. I don't have such probs with mayday. Sigh. Anyway, if you are interested, the 3 cais and 1 fei are... namely 蔡小琥,蔡辛娟,蔡秋凤,黄妃. Hope my parents enjoy the concert! and don't complain that I only buy MD concert tix for myself and never think about you HOR otosan!! hrmph. WOOHOO.

A terrifyingly eventful week ahead. 2 days of conference, 2 days of class, 1 ceremony to attend, working on one awards night. Thankful that friday's a holiday. A song repetitively blasting from my lappy. Cheesy lyrics I know but nice...steeeeel. :)

Vanilla Twilight - OWL CITY

The stars lean down to kiss you,
And I lie awake I miss you.
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly,
But I'll miss your arms around me.
I'd send a postcard to you dear,
'Cause I wish you were here.

I watch the night turn light blue.
But it's not the same without you,
Because it takes two to whisper quietly,
The silence isn't so bad,
Till I look at my hands and feel sad,
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly.

I'll find repose in new ways,
Though I haven't slept in two days,
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.
But drenched in Vanilla twilight,
I'll sit on the front porch all night,
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you.
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.

As many times as I blink I'll think of you... tonight.
I'll think of you tonight.

When violet eyes get brighter,
And heavy wings grow lighter,
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.
And I'll forget the world that I knew,
But I swear I won't forget you,
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past,
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just a saturday post

A long time since my last post? Yep. Long in mochi's context. haha

Been drifting in and out due to lack of quality sleep. Sleep IS my top on the list fuel to keep me normal. I dream alot and these 2 weeks was MORE dreams than usual. Urgh. Tired.

Next week will be the start of another school term which is horrendously fast. Last 2 modules to go, Group Dynamics and Organisational Psychology and Motivational Theory. Yosh.

Friday ended on a foul note. Just one last thing on the list and soon I'll be free from the clutches of the screaming witch. Tahan mochi!

Japan with a HK stopover new on my travelling list. Wish me luck.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

traditionally.. we do this...

It's my late grandma's 1 yr death anniversary today. Traditionally, we have to hold this ceremonial ritual thingy with priests dawned in their elaborate costumes, wielding their swords, chanting prayers as relatives followed behind them, armed with joss sticks, kneeling and bowing when instructed.

So we did. And these 2 full days will be dedicated to that. I sneaked back to do household chores so that my mum will stop nagging about it. Partly an excuse to get out from the killer heat that was exploding in the tentage.

My dad asked me to check out the huge paper mansion with uncountable number of paper maids and a really huge paper car with a chauffer. He said ahma and ahgong can finally have a good life in the other world.

"orh" was all I uttered, an acknowledgement that I heard you, not in agreement.

I stood infront of the offerings including bags and bags of gold ingots folded by my relatives since a month ago to prepare for this event. Cynically, I doubt that my grandma would receive the ashes. I quickly chided myself for having that thought.

I watched my tired relatives baking in the heat, the band nodding off in between the rituals, the amount of paper which will contribute to pollution of the environment, the incense smoke engulfing the tentage....

The framed up pictures of my grandma and grandpa were the only things that looked real which really meant something to me.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Up in the Air

Got a free ticket to catch this movie by George Clooney "Up in the Air". Really novel storyline with Clooney as an international corporate downsizing expert specialising in breaking retrenchment news to people. He flies as much as 300 days in a year and enjoys clocking flyer miles. His hate, committment.

I liked that this show has not so famous but really great actors. Never heard of them but I was astounded by their acting. Witty conversations, great casts, refreshing storyline topped off with charming Clooney. Pls catch it if you can.

~ Playing Clooney's love interest, Vera Farmiga. She's got a really hot bod! haha~
~ Anna Kendrick is really good and funny!~