Friday, November 17, 2006

last day of school.

it's the last day of school.. these 2 weeks finally crawled by..or rather, the last month went past too slowly. there's something wrong with the speed of rotation of the sun around the earth.. armageddon!

not yet. I dunno why but I'm quite sure once holidays set in, the speed would be back to normal again and go 10x faster than it should be.

seize the day!!

many things happened in the past month.. lots of new things I experienced in school like exams, conducting oral, conducting after exam activities, promotion exercise.. blah. hiccups in my family and personal life which I'm still finding time to adapt and accept. thoughts still pretty disorganised. urghz. at least i figured out that i think i'd continue to teach Chinese and not switch to PE.. yes. i decided. finally.

by right, time should fly! since I'm so pre-occupied.. ya la.. but by left, it didn't.

talking about redang with my colleagues now... i feel like going again lor. beautiful place.

oops. redang is closed till april next year.

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