I would not have been attracted to him if I met him now.... A friend told me.
Arent those school time relationships the most beautiful? While you still innocently held romance in high esteem, doing the sweetest stuff for each other... Having that incredible adaptability to get used to and love his ways, that immense patience to explore the new stranger whom you ticked with in that first simple greetings you exchanged. You change your behaviour in subtle ways, unknowingly to accommodate him. .
We had all the time in the world then.
Frankly, I don't think I would go thru all this if I were to get into a relationship now. I'm like that... Mochi in your face attitude.. Take it or leave it. I've lived fine like that and you just have to get used to me. Gomen Ne.
Then came another discussion about whether we are together just coz we are too comfy with each other that it becomes a habit where sparks have flown down right down into the drain. Then I asked again. How often in life would I be able to make another person a habit in my life? Chances are slim with low birth rates n the large number of nice guys who turned gays.
My resolution for 2011... Learn the art of compromise.
1 comment:
love what you wrote buddy. theres no perfect rs or guy, just gotta compromise and learn to imrove :)
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