Saturday, April 28, 2007
what is life...this is life..

Monday, April 23, 2007
praying fervently..
saw my p2 sensei buddy on the verge of bursting into tears..could tell she was trying to control herself.. then she started crying.
reminded me of myself when i was 1 month into teaching my p2 class.. the only time i cried and vowed it would be the last. could totally understand how she felt.. she was just reliefing a p5 worst class for the sensei who's away for a course.. i really think banding according to mother tongue is senseless. tortorous system for those who get the worst classes...aka. watashi wa great example desu.. weathered the storms..been there and back and still there but won't be there very soon..heh.
didn't know how to comfort her but hope she's feeling better. it's a phase..a phase where you'll go into and get out knowing you shouldn't be doing such a job at all.
shucks..saw the P today and she wants to "drink kopi" with me..hate this type of PR thing..never liked interrogations..especially when i really feel like complaining but must put up a fake front infront of her..
been oral-ING today..tomorrow as well.. this week gonna be short i hope.. thurs and friday lessons suspended..yoohooooooo.
azuki mochi ni omedeto gozaimasu!! (^_^)v
received a couple of calls for interviews today..happy-ING! haiz..just saw some hopes in a distance, calling out to me.. but nothing's confirmed..but at least i'm getting something out from my hard work la...never sent so many resumes in my whole life leh.
神啊 救救我吧~
Sunday, April 22, 2007
trying to spot the 破绽
frankly i've calmed down quite abit on the thought that i'm going to tender soon...it's decided that my last day is on 25/5.. end of school term. yippee.. hope my job luck gets better from here... quite tired really.
watched "fracture" with junyi san yesterday..the chinese title is called 破绽。one of those movies where you'll leave the theatre still discussing about what happened..trying to piece together bits of the ingenious plot. it's a good movie! anthony hopkins play a freaky psychic character again, where he appears to know everything about what you're thinking even when he's in jail..and you just can't get hold of any evidence of his crime.. ohh.. 1 cute guy in the show! ryan gosling! droolz.

saw this horoscope thingy from cleo and thought it's pretty interesting... so happened that i'm taurus and i really like cream toffee! check it outtt..
Thursday, April 19, 2007
i need more space please.....
Space... a luxury item in our staffroom.. oh wait.. you can't even buy it even you got okane..
Space.. something we dream of owning more of..
**my super dupa cluttered and cramp workstation in school..must be the messiest office desk i've ever had. AND i think it's the neatest at this point in time..coz i've cleared all my marking and given the books out to the pupils...**
**Mrs Kuo or better known as Mdm Hu (haha..sounds so old..she hates it when we call her that).. one of my SK buddies.. yep..she just ROM recently. guess how old she is?? ...... 23!祝你幸福 oh! (can't find the chinese orr in my IME..)**

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
the day i lost my voice...and we won 2nd prize!

*My p2 class..CL2.8.. talkative, mischievous, weird combination of kids.. all very "有性格"...say cheessseee! super thick skinned and not camera shy at all!*
I used to categorise my previous experiences of sore throats as losing voice... but today...is the ultimate.. i couldn't speak..and even if i force the voice out, they were inaudible to the human ear. my kids laughed at me (??!! WTH) ... "eh.. Zhou lao shi got no voice already lor... so don't talk la you all! hahahah..." the main point was the "hahaha". i felt comforted for a millisecond... then... (-_-ll).
spent $50 on a useless doc last night.. complained i had a sore throat and he refused to give me antibiotics.. only gave me lozenges..!! wah lau... i could have bought 2 bags with that money.... heartache T_Tanyway, i was fine till halfway during my lesson, i felt a striking pain while i was talking.....end of story.
well, wasn't really the end, gotta strain my voice again...garnering whatever's left of my voice to remind my P2 pupils not to be nervous about performing on stage and get them into their props. today's my class's turn to perform a short skit in the hall... haha..they were really excited when they wore the little feelers i made for them..they were suppose to be acting as the worm family la.. kawaii~
We won 2nd prize!!!! yippeee!
** Mama worm receiving her prize**
all these will be memories when i leave SK.....
just back from doc and when he heard my voice (or rather no voice) , he whipped out his MC booklet and immediately gave me an MC for tomorrow.. told me it's occupational hazard of teaching.. my mum was beside me asking the doc if i can still go school... if cannot go, then how ah? she was kena scolded by the doc..haha..quite funny.. the doc told her, MC la..she got no voice how to teach huh?
yep..she forced me to go to school when i was in primary school when i had a fever of 39deg can... i was chased home by the teacher coz i looked retardedly sick.. wondering if my okasan is a sadist.
i'm seriously contemplating on going to school coz my p1 and p2 are having their revision tests tomorrow..and there's simply no other days i can push the tests to already... oh man! i'm sounding like an insane teacher... !!
cannot...i shall rest tomorrow...i shall.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
tuesday riot.
waiting for my p4 remedial class to start. thought of playing a game with them later though it means i'll be risking losing my voice to keep the volume down.
saw in those taiwanese programs where the artistes are made to carry a word card on their forehead.. so only 3rd parties know what word they have and they have to instruct those carrying the cards to form a complete sentence using the word cards on their forehead. i can foresee a riot. hahah.
today tried out playing BINGO with them using words they've learnt before to form a row of 5 words then they can shout bingo le... surprisingly, they're quite engaged in the game.. though half of the words they dunno how to read.haha. whatever..
the new method of teaching chinese focuses on 认字 anyway.
okie..going to stone a bit before attending the riot.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
without you...
If I had to live without you What kind of life would that be.......
went without internet and cable TV for 3 hours just now.. imagine my horror when i on my tv and saw "signal not found.. please contact 1633 if problem persists"..restarted and troubleshooted but still sama sama. the reason why i on my tv is coz i realised my internet was down..thought it was some usual problem with my modem..
after calling starhub, informed me that whole of hougang cable was down. ... AND they needed 1-2hours to fix it....AND i told them that my drama is starting at 8.45pm and it had better be up then lor..waited whole day just to watch it k....AND i told them to expediate.haha..expediate...my fave word in my call centre days.
so for that period of time, i left my comp on... my tv on..with a black screen showing the no signal message..hoping that the moment it's fixed i'll get to watch it immediately. i fiddled around with my mobile and started messaging to disturb people. sat on my sofa with the fan blowing furiously at me as i started counting sheep to when i'll get my cable back... bored. bored.
seriously, if you were to take away my tv and computer.. i wouldn't know what to do at home.
of coz my mum would tell me i have loads to do..like ironing, cleaning, washing...etc.. but i don't mean these lo.
Starhub should compensate me for the emotional trauma i went through during that boring, cold, lonely 3 hours..
FF-ING..no more regrett-ING
many of my friends recommended me to use firefox as the net browser coz it's faster than IE.. didn't believe until i tried it..just downloaded it and it's super user friendly..hardly hangs like IE. plus, if you open more than one browser window, FF displays it within a single window with multiple tabs.. IE shows it as numerous tabs at the taskbar right at the bottom of our screen below our screen which slows down the comp.
yeah..heh.. highly recommend to everyone! you can download it by clicking on the left hand side FF advertisement..takes only a minute to download..
btw, just realised that junyi san didn't know that he could click on the slideshow pics i posted for MOF to see the food description... yep..just a kind reminder that you can just move your mouse over the pics to see what i've commented. if not hor, kinda waste my time typing lor.hahahah.
it's sunday!!! mo nichi yobi ... still got a lesson plan to do and thinking of how to embark on a revision program for my kids..
speaking of which.... sigh. after i sent the email to MOE on thursday night, my p4 kids suddenly behaved super well on friday... not all of coz..but a few were very much more enthusiastic during my lesson and their butt were stuck to their chairs for the whole lesson! amazing. haiya! did i make the correct decision, i asked myself...sigh. okie..natsuri..they were good for only 1 day la...don't be soft hearted!!
anyway, already asked around if anyone wants to be my guarantor for my bond if i were to sign on... and no one agreed. sharon san rejected me outright coz i was so determined to quit teaching then now suddenly want to sign on...haha.. 100% chance i'll break bond.. junyi san was nicer and agreed to be my guarantor for a cap of bond amount $10. ?!?!!? thanks for your kindness ah. so much confidence in me..
but i'm the type if i really sign, i'll be responsible for my own actions and will definitely tahan till my bond period is fulfilled.. won't be so stupid to pay MOE so much $ lor.. not worth la.
send more resumes!! ganbatte!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
what type of food am i?
feel like eating... sigh..so did all the food quizzes to ease my cravings but didn't seem to help at all...made me more hungry!!! urgh.
descriptions seem quite close to who i am...cool! in short, basically...simple, conventional and boring. haha..
drool drool drool.....
覆雨翻云translated into cheezy "lethal weapon of love and passion"
My latest tvb drama craze..覆雨翻云! starring my fave 林峰 and 黄宗泽.. keke. finally got something interesting to watch.. very exciting leh this drama.. can compete with 大唐双龙传..another of my fave period drama.
the way they film the fighting scenes is very unique..can't describe la..everyone! go and watch! heh.
yep..enough about my obsession with tvb. just sent out a few resumes via email... thought emailing is really a much better way rather than sending paper resumes. such a waste of files, paper, ink, envelopes, stamps and labels... remembered those times when each of the resume I send out cost approximately $3..inclusive of postage, files, printing..
had dinner with junyi san yesterday at ichiban boshi at Wisma. we were both wowed by their excellent customer service lor. we had a piece of used tissue and were jus discussing softly where to throw and ended up we just put it on the table at the side.
Almost immediately, the waitress came with a tray and asked if we would like to throw the tissue on the tray. omG! super efficient and she's got bionic ears as well... sugoi. appreciate more of these..but at the same time, we know that each of them are listening intensely to our conversations... kowaii!
ahmad tendered also! we always seem to resign at almost the same time.. call us 丢信buddies. haha.. best of luck k ahmad... in our relentless job search... !
Thursday, April 12, 2007
that's it.. end of my sleepless sunday nights..
Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:00:39 +0800 (CST)
Withdrawal from signing of TTA on 14/4/07
I would like to inform that after much consideration, I've decided not to take up the NIE training scheduled for this July 07. Hence, I would not be attending the TTA coming Saturday 14 April 07.
On my end, I would inform my school about my resignation in due course.
Below are my details:
Name: Chew Shirley
NRIC: S8115279I
Please feel free to contact me @ 96936515 or via email if you have any queries. Thanks!
Shirley Chew
it means in about 1 month's time... i'll be able to:
..........................jaywalk... wear sleeveless tops... wear scooped neck tees... go to hougang mall in my shorts and sloppy t-shirts and flip flops.... take part in superstar or singapore idol..... free from eating cheap but sick canteen food.... relax my facial muscles by smiling more instead of trying to put up a fierce look in front of the kiddos..... and perhaps miraculously, gain a few more years of life.............................
mochi says: it's friday.... the 13th tomorrow! TGIF! yayyyy.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
jurong birdpark
going with students aint fun at all. seriously. gotta keep shoo-ing them to get moving like a shepherd shoo-ing the sheep... at least sheep makes lesser noise than SK pupils.
even the guide attached to my team were pissed with the kids.. many times blurting out angrily " if you don't want to listen, you can go up the bus now." ... or " so..do you want to speak? or you want to listen to me?" she said each of these 2 sentences at least twice during the short half hour guided tour.
then was the trip home in the bus where the kids started to try to be paparazzi and kept snapping candid shots of me... through out the 45 min journey. please la zhou laoshi...lemme take a pic.. please... told them 1 pic will cost $50. haha
anyway, they still managed to take horrendous shots of me glaring into the cam... haiz. imagine...runninng nose..drenched from the rain...tired and sleepy... and they still had to irritate me..
some famous guy said we'll enjoy at least 15min of fame in our life... this counted? (-_-ll)
break and you pay for it...
all's not lost since i've not signed it yet.! yippeeeee... really glad this is just a contract job. serious... at least i've got a choice to pull out now. sad that none of the interviews i've went to has gotten back to me. i want an answer...a reply...a confirmation that i'm going to leave SK for sure. looking forward and praying for that day.
relax mochi... it's been barely a week after your interview.. patience is a virtue as quoted by my idol mr zulkifly. oohh..miss zul. sighz.
anyway, the day to go down n sign is this saturday.. so untimely and so rush...saw the date of receipt of the letter was 4/4 and SK only passed to me 11/4 today!! giving me only like 3 days to ponder over it...
a student's mum came and talk to me again...feel like telling her to go talk to her son instead.. i'm not the one who needs counselling. he dug his nose in front of me and wanted to rub the shit on me can?! a case of immediate check-in into IMH lor..!!
school's crazy.
been sick recently..down with flu and sore throat.. occupational hazard. been sleeping at 9pm everyday..woohooo.. but so sad..still some way off in beating my mama san...she sleeps at 7.30 everyday..
mochi says:::: come on everybody..wish moi luck.....luck luck..come...come into my arms.....L.U.C.K, why did you leave me..doshite...... come back into my arms....
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Indulgence at M.O.F. aka. Ministry Of Food
mochi says: i've had enuff red bean paste and macha to last me for the next year or so...haha..but it's just so oishii... i want morrrreee..
Friday, April 06, 2007
contradictory..not by choice.
is it just coz i don't look like a MT teacher? or I don't speak like one leh? MT teachers don't have to wear those scary black-rimmed specs (@_@ ) and speak with a cheena accent lor. haiz..cannot blame him coz alot of my friends were shocked when they knew i would be teaching chinese. most of them think that i don't sound like one. yes..and pupils kept telling me I should be an EMS (eng-math-science) teacher...waaa..deciding my career path for me?! tkk.
maybe the story goes back to my schooling years...come to think of it, i've been a contradictory individual all along.
一、i played netball..and was the President of Chinese Calligraphy Club in sec school and secretary in JC..
二、hung out with eat-potato-type sharon san, zhen and becca but listened only listened to 933FM and took higher chinese in JC (but did badly in it.. but actually scored better in GP than sharon san and becca....waaa!haha)
三、crazy over BSB and Eric Suen Yao Wei.
四、Became a MT sensei against all odds and still finds it a real hassle to type in chinese.
五、Too sporty and english looking to be a MT sensei, what my fellow colleagues always comment about. my qn: chinese teachers must look frail like 林黛玉meh?
六、Am crazy over jason mraz and mayday currently. haha.
errr... I think people should just accept the fact that i'm so super effectively bilingual. haha. oops.
mochi says: i want a 3rd identity...nihon jin desu...!(^_^)v BUT first..i gotta brush up my pathetic jap..(-_-ll)
blogging at this time of the night...
anyway, the show is okie la..not fantastic..just as i thought i saw my $9 rolling down the drain... the twist at the end came in to save the day... haha.. watch it when u're free la. ahem.
tired..the long awaited holidays is here!! good friday!literally...GOOD friday.. not good for my auditor tomodachis though.. sharon san and ahmad both gotta work thru the weekends... poor thingys.... i'll help u gals enjoy kkk.. no worries!
made a boohoo today..thought i was suppose to go jurong birdpark on a learning journey with the P4s... so i happily dressed in sports attire and took my bag and waited near the bus bay..but didn't see any teachers. not only did i scare myself, i shocked mdm yang by asking her if she was going for the trip..then how come she was sitting at her desk..?! yep..i made a mistake..it's supposed to be next thurs not this thurs...imagine my exhilaration when i knew it wasn't today.... still had p1 remedial though..but better than watching the stinking birds...
but i'll b swopping with another teacher to go on the tue trip instead! aka...which means... imi wa...... i won't be taking my p4 remedial on tue!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally...something good is happening to me....
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
study hard..if not..
on MC today coz i got scheduled an interview at 10am..what an ungodly hour. anyway, the interview went okie..with PSB academy as a Programme Executive. was chatting with buddy tan just now and we realised that we no longer can stand totally backend processing jobs... ever since we experienced call centre.. buddy tan's job now is just like my GE job last time..can dun need to talk the whole day..just keep printing stuff and stapling..processingx100.
anyway, my stomach really feels weird today..went to see doc coz i went to the toilet like 5 times since last night.. feeling sleepy now..
anyway, mdm kuo told me her students saw her coughing badly in class and asked her why she wanna be a teacher.. ahha.totally demoralising question. i came up with an answer for her kids.. "must study hard okie..if not next time you'll end up being a teacher ah"
ohh! checked with the doc if straining your throat will lead to throat cancer and his answer was n.o. really worried coz my voice really spoilt already i think.
mochi says: i hate itunes and apple..so copyrighted..so restricted.. so inflexible..!!