Friday, January 05, 2007

this is only the beginning...

wouldn't be blogging now if not in an attempt to keep myself pathetic right. want to sleep also cannot lo. ha.. but it's at least for a good reason la.. to meet buddy tan and gang to celebrate tan's tanjobi ne! heh.. so.. i should stop complaining.

BUT!!! i'm really very tired! i was looking down longingly on the floor of the meeting room today thinking if only everyone could just evacuate, i can sleep there immediately.

help.. maybe i'm really those laidback type of person when it comes to work. "Work to live" is my motto. not live to work.

the long holidays didn't help at all coz i totally slacked like mad and now it's as if being thrown back into the furnace of talking children. man..children are super talkative! ohh..but through my little experience, handling talkative children is better than handling those who don't open their mouths at all..not even a nod..or a look to express understanding.. the blank look is the most scary expression on kids.

met my P1 class today and only 1 word can describe them. b.l.u.r. they are blur, they look blur, they talk blur and act blur.

the worst was that i spoke so much and when i looked at them, i've got zero idea whether they knew what i was talking about. already used the simplest chinese i could. well, 1 intelligent looking gal raised her hand and i thought she could save my day.

Qn: What should you do when you're in class? (keyword here: class)
Ans: After going toilet, we should wash our hands. If not when we eat, we will get diarrhoea.

fine. very hand- mouth- foot conscious. good for ya.

they seem to have an incredulously small bladder. when i explained you have to raise your hand to ask for permission to go toilet, i knew they understood this... when i saw like 20 hands upright in the air with an urgent look on all their faces. @_@

spotted a few potential every-day-will-kena-scolding types and a few super dupa daydreamers with their eyes always on the corridor and on the wall behind where i'm standing. hmm.. must wear more fanciful clothes to attract their attention! hahah

guess gotta shelve the never ending list of stuff which i gotta do .going JB for a day trip with zhen to go find miss becca lam tomorrow. that leaves me with sunday to do all the planning for my classes..... nooooo..i want to rest on sunday!

mochi says: TGIF TGIF...TGIF..... i must tell myself TGIF.

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