Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the teachery post.

it's mid week! finally!

this busy week seems endless. i stay in school for about 10 hours per day plus take home work of about 2 hours.. yup. horrendous. that's hours of brain-racking lesson preparation and many hours of lecturing in an unusually loud voice.

a teacher was on MC today.. reason bracketed beside her name on the MC board : loss of voice. think MOE should cover insurance for teachers' voice. i'm hoarse now and totally suitable for singing ah du's songs.

i totally understand why some people quit their teaching jobs now and also why teachers kepy rushing through their lessons. reason: no choice.

imagine: in 1 week, we are suppose to cover 1 chapter of the textbook, conduct a reading programme where the kids will spend time reading a storybook, do Civics and Moral Ed, do their 作业, write 习字, do 好朋友, give out letters to parents + collect $ from students and a whole load of admin stuff, mark the books and return to students for correction and for the pupils to return you for marking of corrections.... the list goes on. gettting the P1s organised can already take up to 15 minutes.

maybe it's the beginning of the school term la..when all the admin stuff comes in full force..dozens of transferred students who come in and out and we have to update our namelist infinite times.

waaaa!! i feel like dying.. my brain is so clogged up with little things I have to remember to do.. i think i need to compartmentalize my brain. yes. i shall do it.

spoke to zhe san yesterday and found out she only has 21 geography lessons in 1 week! and me???! i have 39!!! my god.. why 同人不同命one??! comparing makes my ordeal more excruciating. i wished i didn't know. come come.... i welcome amnesia.

mochi says: still enjoy the teaching la..especially the P1s! they're so cute and totally innocent and really listens to my instructions.. they are always so engaged in the games i play with them. haha.. call it sense of achievement... i wanna conquer them in time to come! ya..and so hope all these stupid admin stuff can just die off soon...!!!! i wanna be freeeeeeee..

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