Sunday, January 14, 2007

the only day when my hair get royalty treatment.

it's 4.42pm now..日曜日! so fast... didn't do much except that I managed to get some rest, rejuvenated for the coming week.
saturday was spent in haru scene getting my hair straightened and cut. 4-9pm..that was how long the whole process took!! gone lor my day.haha. sharon san came, suppose to meet me for dinner.. and she ended up waiting 3 hours for me.. sumimasen! hungry, we had to rush to beat the closing hours of the makan places..ended up in cartel la coz they close the latest.

kenji san was pretty detailed in cutting my hair and that took 1 hour just on cutting alone. then he styled and put some oil and blew and trimmed again.. otsukaresamadeshita kenji san.
i feel like telling him that i'm going straight home after this to sleep, so no need make until so nice la.

well, i paid big bucks for it lo.. so at least i see he's pretty professional and not slipshod in his work though all the other staff had already gone home.

not really used to my straight like crazy locks.. so straight. he already left 1 inch off my roots and my fringe untouched but it still looks straight! well, he said it'll take a few washes for it to look more natural. patience is a virtue ya.

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