met up w buddy tan and ng yesterday. a pretty impromptu date which went pretty well. like what buddy tan said, we fixed the date, venue and type of cuisine without much hassle.
Buddies think alike!
it's good to meet up..updated with each others' good news *wink wink tan*.. and do the usual gossiping, experiencing buddy ng's cursing of ppl face-to-face, discussing about tan's new hairtsyle and laughing at inane stuff.
we went crazy at daiso thanks to buddy ng and her convincing hair clip demo. we all bought a few pieces of kawaii hair accessories. Shopped in 20 min for buddy tan's d&d dress which wasn't planned.
it was easy to sum up the conversation on the 20min ride home with buddy ng..... tvb drama serials...bosco....sammul...raymond... and more.
That more or less sums up thurs night. Let's meet up soon ya buddies...Think our gathering template standard liao...jap food + daiso.
gg cable skiing!! yoo hoo...rain rain go away!
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