Monday, April 28, 2008

the centre of weirdified disgust.

Took the 6 plus train today as I had an event in the morning.. check out this geeky couple... they were like so bloody errrrrr. half the time they were leaning on top of each other as if their necks are broken or their spines are malfunctioning.. then.... the ultimate.

what do u think you are doing ah?? that guy draped the jacket over the gal n was busy pulling up his huge bag close to him which was slipping down. occasionally, he would stick his whole head beneath the jacket n giggle.

yo!! I dun need this to wake me up. Please. Have some respect for people around you.


Happy Mrs Kwok said...

Looks like the lady is giving the man some "special service" *Eeeek*

Anonymous said...

cant imagine "special service" can be done in the train..

the society is changing

u should approach and ask them what they are doing

Anonymous said...

shirley, you should have taken an MMS and sent to stomp. geesh, some things should be kept private

夏り said...

i wanted to! haha. but dunno stomp's number. :( the more geeky one looks, the more unexpected their behaviour...