Friday, June 15, 2007

drenched me talking

was greeted by the heavy downpour when I left my house this morning. i emphasize ..HEAVY.
I had a brolly but didn't seem to help a bit. wore a skirt but my skirt was totally drenched. TOTALLY. my nicely combed hair flew around in chaos. I wouldn't have grumbled if I was in my casual attire.. but i was in work clothes. My covered shoes accumulated enough water for a few fishes. eeeks. squeaked around in them for like half a day.

must have been going in and out of aircon after being drenched in the rain. almost froze in the clinic where i had to take my pre-employment checkup. met up with babu and maria for cheap ramen in Far East.. 5th level! really quite nice for the price..$4! and a water chestnut drink was only 50 cents! cool huh. will head back there again.

took a quick nap and felt better after downing panadol.. i cannot get sick now lo. my trip is at stake! heh. packed abit here and there and quite kiasu to actually buy prunes there coz like 99% chance i get constipation when I'm on holidays. My brains simply can't function with too much waste in my body. so there you are.. pitted prunes from sunsweet. was even thinking of getting some packet prune juice also. if i can find la.

hmm.. might manage 1 last blog entry tomorrow before i leave.. *mochi says: are you trying to secure a guiness record or what..?!*

you might hit me on my head if you hear this but I'm already feeling the withdrawal symptoms of missing my dramas! i'm like following 4 TVB serials now...
1。 寻秦记
2。 金玉满堂
3。 潮暴大状
4。 铁血保镖

imagine my loss in a week.. cannot recoup leh. and all of which are at the most exciting parts now..nearing the last episodes already. sob!

stop it mochi..stop it. 放手才会快乐。

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