Friday, June 01, 2007

cried a bucket of tears & finally.. my collages..

finally finished biahing through my 1 litre of tears.. gotta return today. so i burnt the midnight oil and watched till 3am! sugoi. really regretted doing that man..coz i was crying the whole of the 4 hours i was watching..and today my eyes were so swollen and painful.. AND i received a call this morning to go for an interview. WTH! could barely pry open my own eyes.. spaced out a few times during the interview...

meaning of "spaced out" : was looking into the interviewer's eyes but i was more like staring without any visible sign of engagement.. my mind was really somewhere else and i fought with all my might to focus.

keeping fingers crossed. XXXX

have a few cravings recently.. namely: don HK cafe food... especially HK cafe food..dunno why.

oohhh..and I'm finally putting up the collages i did for classes! haha..anyhow do la..techniques used are all about the same..onaji desu. haven't taken lessons for the intermediate level yet. soon..soon! meanwhile, just bear with the " come it looks like the other one?" layout of the pics.

::: my P1 Class.. that gal in blue at the bottom of the collage is Mandy..i think she's going to grow up to be super sweet and pretty! oh oh! Top Left Corner blue gal: My 蜡笔小新! she's so lovable..btw, her name is 思宇。botak boy in blue on the top: 杨老师's son 杨若相.. my A star pupil! :::

::: noticed that there's a special tribute to a 超级无敌小帅哥? his hair is always so ruffled and messy but he still looks so good.. droolz. goodbye Thomas..sayonara yo! sob sob. The dark skinned girl in green at the bottom of the pic: Li Mei..she cried the whole day upon knowing i was leaving..haha..she loves me la. can't tell that I possess such magical charm huh... hehe..on kids only la....dam.. Top Right pic: the 2 yellow T shirt boys in the front row: Joseph and Justus, I call them the double Js..for short.. JJ! haha. they were the naughty boys who drove me to tears! but they've since improved i must add. just when I'm about to leave...nan de! :::

here's a card which one of my P1 kid jonathan's mum made..pretty touched when I read it la. he's the kid who's slow in learning and have problems writing properly. the little stuff that give teachers the reason to hang on to their belief.

mochi says: starhub ppl...please brush up on your product knowledge!! onegaishimasu!!!

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