Thursday, February 12, 2009

ipod shuffle

Konbanwa.. In response to Em's query on the comfort level of that arm band.....
sad to say, it IS uncomfy. i went jogging that day to test my liking for it. Although it wasn't tight, I still felt like I was measuring my blood pressure. The strap material is pretty rough. yup..but i think it needs getting used to.

Btw Em, that arm band is velcro-ed to the max already on my arm. your arms are thinner than mine, so it'll definitely be loose on you I think. You might want to try out other designs.
Getting an ipod shuffle might be a better choice..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i knew it be humid n sweaty! come on, yr arms n my arms same size. juz dat photo angel lah. i tried using my bro's ipod shuffle when jogging but my eyephones kip dropping out. so usually i juz sing in my head when i jog. ha.
