Saturday, May 22, 2010

Faith is free

Sometimes we just need a little more of that faith and positive thinking.

Firstly, it's free. Secondly, if it can make things happen, why not?
We woke up to a sky of stormy clouds which warned us against our ubin cycling trip today.
Both me and Ahmad decided to go ahead and meet at Changi Village for breakfast first and see if the cloud would clear. ES was pretty against it coz his iphone told him that it would rain with thunderstorm.
I was determined to go and true enough when we reached Changi Village Hawker, I heard the first thunder as the drizzling got heavier. ES nodded in agreement. WTH. Ahmad came and after breakfast, the rain came down even harder.

We were really hesitant by then and I even got scolded by the ferry uncle for asking him if he thinks Ubin is raining. He asked me look at the weather and the answer was obvious. Still, with the siti and ahmad never say die spirit, we went ahead.
The rain cleared as we started cycling. It was just so unbelievable and we were still in disbelief after our trip that the weather crumpled under our VERY positive thinking.

Ahmad and beau got to visit ubin for the very first time.
The weather was also cool after the rain which was perfect.
Me and ES had our very much needed exercise after I wolfed down a magnum gold and ES gobbling down a pack of Oregano chips the night before.
And we had lots of fun!
I think it's important somehow. It is easy to recall how many times we've lost to pessimism and negative thoughts when we face problems. Reason being, it's much easier to be negative than to positive, especially in times of trouble. If you never tried solve the problem, you'll never ever face the failure of not being able to solve it.
I was stuck in the peak hour jam yesterday and I took 1.5hrs to get from HG to clementi. BY CAR. I was cursing and swearing all the way, thinking what I should have done and what I should not have done. Not only it did not make me feel better, I felt worse! What I really should have done is not to let this stupid jam affect me!! but how many of us can do it.. seriously.
I'l start trying now.


ayu said...

great post buddy! let's all be positive (don't let the weather get us down at least!)

夏り said...

yay! same sentiments exactly buddy... thats why we are buddies!!

cricetos.sp said...

I will try to emulate your crazy positiveness.