Saturday, January 02, 2010


2009 had its fair share of ups and downs.

Frankly, I didn't even know how the first half of 2009 went by. The only memories etched were those of endless nights of OT and bottomless pit of work. The only event which broke the monotony was the passing on of my beloved grandma. I'm glad that I still dream of her as this seems to be the only connection I have with her now. Her 1st year death anniversary is round the corner and as we prepare for it, I hope the connection strengthens.

The other 2 happy occasions which added some kind of life to my misery was the birth of sean and chean's wedding. I'm so so happy for them.

Travelogues for the year.... HK trip with Matt and Hokkaido with ES. Oh, and batam if that's considered as travelling. haha.

The 2nd half of 2009 marked a small achievement in work and the celebrations buried me in work again. Life got busier when I started my advanced dip in psychology in Sep. Btw, mochi scored A for statistics and B for psychological research modules. Woohoo.

Nov and Dec were great months as the long weekends and leave clearing added on to the festivity. A nice ending to 2009.

I like how the beginning of a new year always harbour lots of hope. Well, hopes might dim as we move through the's normal. It's up to us to make it brighter.

welcome 2010.

~ my $6 kite.....going kite flying tomorrow!!~

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