Monday, May 12, 2008

all pumped up

my shoes played me out this morning. why why why. according to evil shit, as evil as usual, it was a double sign to ask me take MC today. I decided to wear this pair of shoes which I haven't worn since half a year ago forgetting the high possibility of it disintegrating due to infrequent usage.

mochi says: yes gals, those who dunno. Shoes will disintegrate if not worn for a long time although they might be new shoes.

yep.. felt my left shoe loosening and 2 secs later the right shoe buckle came flapping down onto the floor. WTH. hobbled with the buckle knocking melodiously on the ground as I trudged to the bus stop trying to kiap the left shoe in place using my super toes power. perspired under the merciless morning sun while making my way back home to change my shoes and was super late for work.

been on a strict exercise regime since last week..mon, wed n fri are exercise days. and maybe sun. managed to keep to it for a week... hope I can tahan 1 month and see some results. less flabby n cellulite infested thighs. ganbatte mochi san!

it's tues...................... i feel like shopping. wanna buy the solelover's mary janes, a pair of black jeans, nice tops, new shoes.... got this thing about flat pumps now...they're so comfy for work when rushing for buses or trains.

need okane to rain on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as i tell people all the time nowadays, i really wish MONEY WILL FALL FROM THE SKY ON ME. guess its the same as OKANE raining down!!!

tanjobi omedato in advance tomodachi chew!!!