Tuesday, May 27, 2008
mochi inventions
wished there was this machine where I just open my mouth and it'll give me a perfect brushing before I go to bed.
so tired.
I need these 2 machines.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
a kawan kawan post~
~ 21 years of friendship- me & carolyn..since kindergarten when we were 6 years old.~
~13 years of friendship - me & Sharon san!~
~ 11 years of friendship - babu, maria, ahmad and siti~
~11 years of friendship - me & zhe san.~
~9 years of friendship - me, becca & zhen
I do not have many friends but I'm proud of them. oh and I draw a clear line between aqaintances and friends. some people have many many friends coz they consider all aqaintances, friends.
The years of friendship is only meaningful if you can make the full use of it. I'm one who takes full advantage of my friendships. yeah..me!!
not take advantage of them per se but more of being myself. How often can you do the things below?
- You frankly tell a friend that you don't feel like going out coz you're very tired and want to just vegetate at home.
- You admit that you would like to spend the saturday with your bf coz you have been busy for the whole week and have not met up with him.
- You call your friend just to crap about the week you had?
- You say right into a friend's face that the piece of dress she's been oogling at for the past 10 min is actually very ugly? ( mochi says: shopping is a very personal and touchy issue to girls, pls comment with care. ahem**)
- You tell your friend that the dress she tried on does not flatter her at all.
- You honestly let your friend know that you have a craving for a particular cuisine and it's definitely not the korean restaurant she's been gushing about.
- You drag your friends to that restaurant just to satisfy that craving you've been having for the whole week and pretend that your friends are agreeable to it. (mochi says: this is very evil...do this moderately. anyway, we take turns to do that to each other. haha.)
- You tell your friend to stop harping on the same issue as you're not comfortable talking about it.

~ yep, and best friends allow you to make fun of them. :)~
Friday, May 23, 2008
Googling Yourself
Another t-shirt I saw said "Sometimes when I'm alone, I google myself". wahaha. I thought it was so hilarious and sharon san said in a matter-of-fact way that she tried to google herself.
meaning= she typed "sharon kwok" in GOOGLE to search herself. wahahaha. isn't it cool. anyway, i laughed at her stupid idea but I tried it.
Advanced Search Preferences
Search: the web pages from Singapore
Results 1 - 10 of about 457,000 for sharon kwok. (0.20 seconds)
Hong Kong Cinemagic - Sharon Kwok Sau Wan
Other names : 郭秀雲 Guo Xiu Yun Kwok Sau Wen. Activities : Actress (11), Cameo (1) ... The Outlaw Brothers. Other Sharon Kwok Sau Wan pictures : (Hide) ...www.hkcinemagic.com/en/people.asp?id=457 - 82k - Cached - Similar pages
Miss HK Beauties
Sharon Kwok also had one of the better interviews. She became an actress and was married briefly to Siu-hou Chin, whom she has a son. ...www.misshkbeauties.com/88mci.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages
Advanced Search Preferences
Search: the web pages from Singapore
Results 1 - 10 of about 195,000 for shirley chew. (0.04 seconds)
School of English, University of Leeds
Professor Shirley Chew Emeritus Professor of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literature ... Professor Shirley Chew, BA, PhD., Singapore ; B.Phil., Oxford ...www.leeds.ac.uk/english/staff/pages/staffindex.php?file=chew - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Shirley Chew
Shirley Chew at www.contemporarywriters.com - Shirley Chew is Professor of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literatures at the University of Leeds.www.contemporarywriters.com/authors/?p=auth173 - 30k - Cached - Similar pages
apparently I am a professor!! woohoo!! say Prof Shir! Prof Shir!
sharon san better....HK Beauty sia. tvb ctress also....no wonder I can click with her..!! Sau Wan....Sau Wan!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Doc Greens

~~ one in a million pic.. ES eating veggie! he finished a good portion of the lettuce..sugoi!!! must bring him to doc greens more often...heh~~
decided to make use of the $30bday vhr given to me by my company.. expenses must be made at our clubhouse though. so..mahani, me, rosnah, eve, ann spent a gluttony night eating and singing at the ktv. the booking is only $7/hr..!! super cheap irregardless of the number of pax. cool. my ktv gang can go there liao! heh. friends are allowed btw. :)
~ guess wat song me n eve are singing???? haha... jay chou's cowboy very busy! trying very very hard to do the cowboy dance...trying too hard..~

~ktv queen mahani n rosnah...applause!!~

~system very advanced leh..unlike the old fashioned heavy monitor screen in most partyworld...this one is LCD screen k. song selection is very new too!~
Had so much fun!! need to destress la. it's important. can't wait for july to come.....COME COME COME!!!!
been super trigger happy recently with my new kamera. took loads of pics..anywhere, anytime. check out my new kawaii zhao cai cat! so cute! sharon's bday gift to me but she's so busy that i couldn't tahan and bought it on my own first.hrmph.oh..the cat is those solar powered moving type! heh.
the potted plant is a gift from rosnah n gang. so sweet.. The one that rosnah gave me during xmas last year didn't survive through CNY. sigh. Thank u..i love plants!

~ intro ES to my fave Chicago Cheesecake from Coffeebean. It's my fave cheesecake out of all the cheesecake i've tasted..can't believe that ES hasn't eaten it before. tsk tsk. You missed alot baby. tsk tsk. *burp* ~~
time to sleep...another long day tmw...with staff meeting..ahhhhh..save me!
Monday, May 19, 2008
forest adv & batam spree = vesak holiday
weekend was busy.. made a trip down to visit zhe san and after crapping for an hour or so, made my way down to bedok to meet becca n zhen for our forest adventure! it's my 2nd time there and it seems like everyone enjoyed the obstacles and appreciating the good workout they're getting. heh. went to see jessica's new puppies..shucks.forgot to bring my camera..they're so small n cute like soft toys running around. a maltese and a pekinese. super kawaii.
they had a mini muffin cake belated bday celeb for me.. famous muffins from somewhere along east coast road..i'm a muffin fanatic! yummy.
sunday was spent in good ole batam. again. haha. this time round with my colleagues Zal n Mahani. everything went according to our plan...eat, shop, eat, shop. perfect combi.
it's crazy how everyone is crazy over donuts. the Q at J-co was mad. ppl grabbing boxes n boxes of those fattening doughs, their satisfaction showing on beaming faces. haiz.. even out of singapore, the donut craze is still spreading like a virus. Phew, I'm totally immunized.
we spent our time in the same mall from 1pm - 9pm...don't ask me. we couldn't believe it either.

~ready to board the ferry...batamFAST!~

~zal looks too demure...tak boleh tahan zal..this is not u! haha.~

~me and zal. will miss u when u leave us..haiz.~

~gorged on A&W before continuing with dessert at J-Co...sinfully delicious.J-Co there is cheap tho.. 1 dozen box is around 52,000 ruppiah..equals to about S$7.50..~

~very full but still eating.~

~outside hypermart...the supermarket we spent a bulk of our time..pantyliners n pads are super cheap there..chk out crazy singaporeans stocking up.~

~kentang donut..basically donuts made of potato..mahani q-ing up gleefully.~

~my 2 gal frens q-ing for donuts..sighz. spent about 45min waiting for them...the shelves were emptied and spent like dunno how long waiting for chefs to rebake.!!!~

~getting bored from waiting.~

~hungry. our ayam pengyat was pathetically small..the chicken abit malnutritioned. but it tasted quite good. gado gado was yummy too.

~havibng our parting kaya toast at the ferry terminal..the toast looks shrivelled too.~

~happy with my restock of t-shirts....yeah! guess what...all these cost less than 25 bucks...conquered @batam centre mega mall Matahari.. something like our version of OG or robinsons.~
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Happy Birthday mochi san....~
spent a leisurely and expensive day to myself. haven't had that in a long time coz so bloody engrossed in work. shopped shopped shopped in spacious orchard today! John Little got 40% sale! took the chance to top up my toiletries n some make-up..heh.
evil shit's managing an event too so he worked till late into the night. we forced ourselves to meet up yesterday for dinner to celebrate my bday. yea. he gotta literally tell me to abandon my work n get out to have a life. that's what he told himself too. haha.
He suggested Pasta Brava @ Craig Road just beside Tj Pagar Plaza. It is a nice italian restaurant tucked in one of those ulu corners. very nice ambience, pretty authentic n tasty pasta. We were so late that the 1st thing the restaurant asked was " any last order?" ...sollie ah...we haven't even ordered.

~ got abit tired looking at the funny italian names... haha~

~calamari was oishii and didn't taste too oily... yum~

~my seafood marinara... of coz it came in a way longer name...nice niceeeee~

~ tiramisu.... evil shit took a bite and warned me that i would not like it...yep. i hated it. liquor taste was too strong! yucks!... he had the fats to himself... i'm saved!~

~ doodling a picture.... guess guess guess!! beast!~

~ naz thought beast should look like this...not my version.. sollie ah..mine is disney version k. but hor... have to admit his was quite drawn! ~
As advanced evidence to show that i'm indeed older, I left the restaurant wearing the green bib the waitress put on for me so that the pasta would not dirty my top. yep. naz saw it and had to bring it back to the restaurant.???!!!
and to further convince me that my birthday is here, I did the silliest thing ever. Was happily shopping in town till I realised I actually wore my office slipper + my birkens together by mistake. KAOZ. way too malu..... mochi san!!! wake uP!!! yep. imagine evil shit's face when he saw it.. surprisingly, he didn't react that much to it. think he's accustomed to all my malu shits.

just some random pics i took... did i tell you i love my camera??

~ surprise flowers on my desk when I returned from meeting... thx evil shit!~

~ me and joanneeee~

~ some of my closer colleagues...Mahani a.k.a. My Honey....kak Rosnah, Evelyn aka Matt and me aka shiny

~ top is Ann and Krish beside me...smilezzz... they actually questioned my wide angle camera whether all heads can fit... omg.. what audacity!! of coz it can!~
Monday, May 12, 2008
all pumped up
mochi says: yes gals, those who dunno. Shoes will disintegrate if not worn for a long time although they might be new shoes.
yep.. felt my left shoe loosening and 2 secs later the right shoe buckle came flapping down onto the floor. WTH. hobbled with the buckle knocking melodiously on the ground as I trudged to the bus stop trying to kiap the left shoe in place using my super toes power. perspired under the merciless morning sun while making my way back home to change my shoes and was super late for work.
been on a strict exercise regime since last week..mon, wed n fri are exercise days. and maybe sun. managed to keep to it for a week... hope I can tahan 1 month and see some results. less flabby n cellulite infested thighs. ganbatte mochi san!
it's tues...................... i feel like shopping. wanna buy the solelover's mary janes, a pair of black jeans, nice tops, new shoes.... got this thing about flat pumps now...they're so comfy for work when rushing for buses or trains.
need okane to rain on me.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
a long time no see gathering...~

~ the korean buffet at AWON Korean @ Excelsior Hotel... limited spread and the pathetic canal of steamboat at the circumference of the pot. wide enuff to only put a few strands of noodles lor. weird steamboat~

~me, anna n huishan...can see we're bored from eating already.kept eating chicken, veg, chicken, veg.....~

~next pigging pit stop @ Gloria Jeans~

~tanjobi omedeto!~

~belated bday for buddy ng, advanced for me.~

~wee chong walking away from KS and KS looks pretty glad..!~

~group pic~~

~KS busy trying to convince us of his good photography skills..~

~ex OC team under our idol Zul..emily, buddy ng, buddy tan and moi...anticlockwise. buddy ng was commenting on how ridiculously high em's hair is..air stewardess ma. heh.~

~tot this looks like a wedding pic...heh.~
errr...it's monday again. urghzzzzz.