Sunday, September 05, 2010

Chestnuts 2010

Caught 'Chestnuts' over the weekend. Thanks Matt for recommending this really hilarious play. I liked it! Mirroring our little red dot politics, the latest craze, the hottest national events, pop culture and hit right on bull's eye, what it means to be singaporean. This year, being roasted were Glee, Nightmare on Elm street, NDP, iphone craze, the controversial YOG cheer, fried rice paradise, the flooding, Inception, lady gaga and the return of Wrist Low's sister, Ivory Low Ai Q.

Though the parodies might not come through for some of the themes (e.g. I don't watch Glee and nightmare...), the casts' commendable acting pulled off, making the show as enjoyable as it was to others who could relate to the stories.

The play of words, the witty humour, the clever exchange of expressions, the chemistry among the casts, the carefully choreographed dancing with the right music, and behind it all , a great scriptwriter. Enough reasons to keep me in anticipation for next year's show.

Kudos to the team!

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