Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Old Photo Effect

Finally enjoying some mochi time. Me, myself and mochi. I find that as I grow wiser (i.e. older), the more challenging it is to dedicate time to self-improvement activities. Excuses? We have more commitments which never fail to zap us of our energy. Physically, we are more 'mature' making our bodies succumb to fatigue more easily.

So once we can breathe free time, we'll indulge in lazing around catching up on our dramas, surfing net, activities which do not require much effort. I feel it so much. I need like double the amount of motivation to make me jog, clean up my room, housekeep my computer, organise my life in general and improve my PS skills. urgh. such are the cruel truths as we mature.

That's why I haven't been diligently reading of my photo mags. I still buy them religiously but haven't been conscientiously reading them. They are still there on the shelf, stacked up high and nice, neat and untouched. yucks. Guilt.

So today, I successfully ejected my butt from my sofa and relieved some of the guilt by playing magic with my photos. hmm. This website has pretty good and comprehensive tutorials. Though I had a hard time trying to save the instructions on the webpage into PDF for my future reference, I managed to do it after some googling for PDF converter software. CutePDF converts files into PDF in an instant and PDFmerge site merges several PDFs into 1 PDF doc FOC. 好万得福. http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/old-photo/

Tried the old photo technique with one of the pics I took with sharon san during our recent healthy 3 hr trek at macritchie. This pic was taken at the tree top walk... sharon san, photo for you to commemorate your virgin climb to the tree top!


~After. Added the sepia tone, then added the grain and noise effect. finished up by revealing some color from the original photo to show the loss of photo color due to ageing~

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