Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Les Bouchons @ Robertson Quay

That's where I brought ES for our 5th anniversary dinner.  Heard raving reviews about the fries, steak and how authentic the french food is. Happy anniversary honey. love u loads.

It wasn't a disappointment though I wished I was a beef lover coz like 95% of the menu were beef dishes! dam. I had to order a salmon coz that was the only non-beef item. They had lamb but I don't fancy lamb too. Salmon's not my fave fish either. So ermm.. why the hell am I introducing this place??!!?

Coz the Fries were cooked to perfection. I'm a sucker for carbo remember? lol. it was crisp outside and soft inside and it was lightly seasoned with a little charred fragrance to it. Yumm. Free flow fries by the way but was way to full to top up as usual. I'm definitely Asian.

ES's steak was good too for the price. 300g ribeye @ 34.50 with fries and salad. Escargots with herb butter and garlic were really slurpy good.

In all, it was a nice quaint restaurant which is really good for pat thor after dinner where you can walk along the different quays... robertson all the way to clarke quay. Boat quay is round the corner too if you feel too bloated from the great food.

Friends can pig out there if you want a quiet gathering. Pls call to make advance reservations coz it's usually booked out.


ayu said...

ff fries is like a big DREAM COME TRUE for me! hahaha

hows the price range for the other dishes? the FFF part really tempting! lol...

夏り said...

buddy...what is FF fries?? u scolding vulgarity ah..ahhahaha. escargots were $18... ice-cream dessert was 10 bucks. the fries were yummy.

Anonymous said...

what a way to mark your 5th anni (last pic)..lol