Wednesday, November 28, 2007
let's only count the goods...
I always am at a loss of words when ppl ask me general questions starting with "how"..
e.g. How you doing? How are you? How's work? ...
I would usually answer "errr..okay lor..fine...good... like that lor.." dun have anything much to add unless something drastic has happened.
so the same goes with "how's you and naz?" Apparently the lack of vocab n awkwardness get ppl to start guessing that something's wrong and probe. Nothing's wrong really. just that dun want to sound like i'm gushing or what. cool ma. lol.
yep...but babu's question got me thinking why I couldn't immediately list out just all the good stuff that happened in this new start of this familiar, comfortable relationship.
As my mind thought through how to answer babu, my lips uncontrollably wanted to blurt out all the little tiny trivial quibbles we had over stupid things... how he likes to leave his stuff on my room he forgets to message me when he's lan gaming.... how he is so atas and doesn't like the food in kopitiam..... so on n forth.
So just as I was taking my bath just now, I took that 10 mins to think of stuff which my evil shit did that I really appreciated.. amazingly and luckily, the list wasn't empty. haha.
1. I like how he shows his subtle support in events I organise or take part in.
He came to watch my netball match which lasted only 2o min at Jurong. I was surprised that he actually wanted to come coz i sincerely thot it wansn't worth the effort. I was secretly glad of coz. heh.
He came to vote for my booth when I was involved in the Public Service Exhibition. It was during lunch and he went out of the way to just drop by for a totaly of 10 min before he rushed back to office.
2. I like how he has been trying to learn hokkien and chinese so that he can communicate with my parents.
We dedicate the first 1-2 hours of each of our meeting to speaking only chinese.
3. I like how he spends a day helping me to clear up my junky computer and then packing it nicely by the side to make way for my laptop. I gave up watching him at work and started watching TVB.
4. I like how he patiently waits for me when I'm late by gaming at the arcade. ** errr... mochi...he's enjoying himself no need to appreciate so muchz hor. -_- **
5. I like his patience in general. When you've got a dam impatient brother, you'll really appreciate this quality.
6. I like how he doesn't mind whiling his time in office while waiting for me to finish a meeting which wasn't even confirmed till the very last minute. It was 9.30pm when we met for dinner and we were supposed to meet at 7pm.
7. I like how he puts up with my pretty periodic PMSal mood. I know it when I'm feeling snappish and I know I show it. gomen ne! heh.
8. I like how he manages to calm the gan jiong-pessimistic spider down when handling unplanned changes and situations.
9. I like how he's willing to know my friends while I'm just too lazy to socialise with his.
10. I like how he can put up and still keeps a straight face with my indecisiveness when it comes to different colours, food, size, shapes, textures, designs, flavours.... the indecisiveness gets worse when I'm in a grumpy mood. oops.
11. I like how he is always so enthusiastic about the impromptu activities I suggest e.g. sudden craving for jogging, cycling at Pulau Ubin, swimming...
I'll regret after suggesting when I feel a sudden pang of laziness. Can't dampen the mood coz he's already all set to go...-_-
thought for 10min and typed for an hour!!! WTH
Time for dinner!
e.g. How you doing? How are you? How's work? ...
I would usually answer "errr..okay lor..fine...good... like that lor.." dun have anything much to add unless something drastic has happened.
so the same goes with "how's you and naz?" Apparently the lack of vocab n awkwardness get ppl to start guessing that something's wrong and probe. Nothing's wrong really. just that dun want to sound like i'm gushing or what. cool ma. lol.
yep...but babu's question got me thinking why I couldn't immediately list out just all the good stuff that happened in this new start of this familiar, comfortable relationship.
As my mind thought through how to answer babu, my lips uncontrollably wanted to blurt out all the little tiny trivial quibbles we had over stupid things... how he likes to leave his stuff on my room he forgets to message me when he's lan gaming.... how he is so atas and doesn't like the food in kopitiam..... so on n forth.
So just as I was taking my bath just now, I took that 10 mins to think of stuff which my evil shit did that I really appreciated.. amazingly and luckily, the list wasn't empty. haha.
1. I like how he shows his subtle support in events I organise or take part in.
He came to watch my netball match which lasted only 2o min at Jurong. I was surprised that he actually wanted to come coz i sincerely thot it wansn't worth the effort. I was secretly glad of coz. heh.
He came to vote for my booth when I was involved in the Public Service Exhibition. It was during lunch and he went out of the way to just drop by for a totaly of 10 min before he rushed back to office.
2. I like how he has been trying to learn hokkien and chinese so that he can communicate with my parents.
We dedicate the first 1-2 hours of each of our meeting to speaking only chinese.
3. I like how he spends a day helping me to clear up my junky computer and then packing it nicely by the side to make way for my laptop. I gave up watching him at work and started watching TVB.
4. I like how he patiently waits for me when I'm late by gaming at the arcade. ** errr... mochi...he's enjoying himself no need to appreciate so muchz hor. -_- **
5. I like his patience in general. When you've got a dam impatient brother, you'll really appreciate this quality.
6. I like how he doesn't mind whiling his time in office while waiting for me to finish a meeting which wasn't even confirmed till the very last minute. It was 9.30pm when we met for dinner and we were supposed to meet at 7pm.
7. I like how he puts up with my pretty periodic PMSal mood. I know it when I'm feeling snappish and I know I show it. gomen ne! heh.
8. I like how he manages to calm the gan jiong-pessimistic spider down when handling unplanned changes and situations.
9. I like how he's willing to know my friends while I'm just too lazy to socialise with his.
10. I like how he can put up and still keeps a straight face with my indecisiveness when it comes to different colours, food, size, shapes, textures, designs, flavours.... the indecisiveness gets worse when I'm in a grumpy mood. oops.
11. I like how he is always so enthusiastic about the impromptu activities I suggest e.g. sudden craving for jogging, cycling at Pulau Ubin, swimming...
I'll regret after suggesting when I feel a sudden pang of laziness. Can't dampen the mood coz he's already all set to go...-_-
thought for 10min and typed for an hour!!! WTH
Time for dinner!
Monday, November 26, 2007
my colleague had a craving today which I kinda didn't mind at all.. she was craving for TCC's azuki freeze. yeah! i love TCC!
ordered the oishii seafood aglio olio and my macha mambo... another good reason to splurge for lunch. heh. thanks eve.heh
when she took out her credit card to pay for the bill, we noticed something really weird...

She had all her cards kept in tailor made plastic casings! yep..the casings were all DIY using the smouldering machine at home. and why would she have a smouldering machine?! coz her dad's a technician.. yep.. but yes..ALL the cards in her wallet are all super well protected...omg. so weird! haha
interesting or rather.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
when i was little....
coincidentally met my super old friend at a course. she's my 1st friend in kindergarten, my best friend in PLMGPS, we got separated in secondary school and then met again in NJC. She went NTU and me went NUS. somehow virtual communication isn't as common as we didn't keep in contact at all since JC. imagine meeting her again 10 years later.... totally grossed out at how time sped.
anyway, she's working in SPRING! with my current scope of job, we gotta liaise quite abit with them. that's why we were in the same course la. she still looks the same.
haha..dug out some really old pics... feeling abit nostalgic..

~me & carolyn in kindergarten..! ~
~when I was 3? no idea..hah.~
~ super retro pic of my otosan!........ ~
~another retro pic for momento~
~me and my bro playing with our fave toy...this multipurpose ratten stool.. ~
~horrendously overweight... sec 2 or 3... omg....taken when i was in chiangmai..check out the sign below that warns me not to over-knock.....n check out that infamous double chin lol~
Monday, November 19, 2007
Little dylan's version of twinkle twinkle
omg... dylan is so cute!!!!! dylan is naz's little's amazing how these little kiddos can brighten up your day and lighten your mood..
I was feeling grouchy and restless for the whole of saturday. So basically, I just wallowed at home till when I decided to spur sharon san on to go swimming. it was the only activity I did for the day and guess what. The 45min swim made me even grouchier....coz I dio a summon!!!! I had insisted on going hougang pool but sharon san complained hg pool very dirty la...very luan la...alot of pple la... blah blah blah la. Exceeded my half hour coupon by a marginal 10min lor.. so sian when I saw the 2 ah beng indian summon officers. Though I was glad the summon was only $6...haha.. but still... i could have eaten 2 bowls of noodles liao...or taken 3 days of train...bought a copy of cleo...5 cups of bubble tea.......................
so that was my grouchy saturday. didn't even felt like going out on sunday but already promised naz i'll go for his nephew's birthday bbq...when it started pouring like nobody's biz, I was even more sure that i wasn't supposed to go for the bbq.
talk so much.. i went ultimately coz naz came and pick me no reason not to go liao. ha.
soon I found the trip was so worth it coz of dylan! the name dylan actually brings back some gross memories...but not this little dylan.
he had this particular way of singing twinkle twinkle little star which is so so kawaii....really brings laughter to the usual boring bbq.
sigh but due to my configuration of my phone, it could only record like 13 sec... ! so sad...will upload more vidz of him when i get the other vidz from naz... we made him sing like 20 times of twinkle twinkle......LOL.
~ notice his facial expression when he pronounces the last word of every sentence..might have to up the volume to max coz it's pretty soft~
I was feeling grouchy and restless for the whole of saturday. So basically, I just wallowed at home till when I decided to spur sharon san on to go swimming. it was the only activity I did for the day and guess what. The 45min swim made me even grouchier....coz I dio a summon!!!! I had insisted on going hougang pool but sharon san complained hg pool very dirty la...very luan la...alot of pple la... blah blah blah la. Exceeded my half hour coupon by a marginal 10min lor.. so sian when I saw the 2 ah beng indian summon officers. Though I was glad the summon was only $6...haha.. but still... i could have eaten 2 bowls of noodles liao...or taken 3 days of train...bought a copy of cleo...5 cups of bubble tea.......................
so that was my grouchy saturday. didn't even felt like going out on sunday but already promised naz i'll go for his nephew's birthday bbq...when it started pouring like nobody's biz, I was even more sure that i wasn't supposed to go for the bbq.
talk so much.. i went ultimately coz naz came and pick me no reason not to go liao. ha.
soon I found the trip was so worth it coz of dylan! the name dylan actually brings back some gross memories...but not this little dylan.
he had this particular way of singing twinkle twinkle little star which is so so kawaii....really brings laughter to the usual boring bbq.
sigh but due to my configuration of my phone, it could only record like 13 sec... ! so sad...will upload more vidz of him when i get the other vidz from naz... we made him sing like 20 times of twinkle twinkle......LOL.
~ notice his facial expression when he pronounces the last word of every sentence..might have to up the volume to max coz it's pretty soft~
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Chattering lips breaking the peace of the powdered face
Advice or lecture , we had a taste
Air so still yet breathing is silent
A chatter from the lip
we scribble and flip
Lipstick on the straw, oh, the straw I searched so furiously for
Eyes fixed on the half cup coke
The lower it goes
Playtime comes close
alas, the cup got refilled to the brim,
i sighed, almost.
Advice or lecture , we had a taste
Air so still yet breathing is silent
A chatter from the lip
we scribble and flip
Lipstick on the straw, oh, the straw I searched so furiously for
Eyes fixed on the half cup coke
The lower it goes
Playtime comes close
alas, the cup got refilled to the brim,
i sighed, almost.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
my love will get you home
zhen san! finally knew which song you talking about liao...the one playing in my blog now. hehe..will send you when you're back from East Timor.. yes... East Timor...lucky perpetually travelling mouse.
The sub theme from 溏心风暴. The song will play whenever they're covering the scenes for 林峰 and this other girl 钟嘉欣。 they're both so sweet towards each other!!!! but as all drama serials go...their characters super clash and resulted in loads of misunderstandings...sigh.. haha..think they're v compatible ne and the gal is so good looking. droolz...
The sub theme from 溏心风暴. The song will play whenever they're covering the scenes for 林峰 and this other girl 钟嘉欣。 they're both so sweet towards each other!!!! but as all drama serials go...their characters super clash and resulted in loads of misunderstandings...sigh.. haha..think they're v compatible ne and the gal is so good looking. droolz...

My Love Will Get You Home - Christine Glass
If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.
If the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.
If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home.
When there's only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home,
boy, my love will get you home.
the power of the jay mob.
Jay Jay....really missed the time when you were not popular. You were in canto pub and there were only at most 5 rows of fans near the stage. There was a huge space in between the tall stools and the stage...and guess where I was sitting? acting cool at the tall stools...
I truly regret what I've done. I should have taken the opportunity to get up close and personal with you....take loads of pics and then auction it off in yahoo or something. Somemore with your original curly hair, I'm sure alot of fans would buy lor.
Seems like your concert tickets are priced at 10 bucks each... whole world seems to be able to afford it! okay la... mochi san... blame it on your slow reaction!! heh.
not that onz about getting his tics bigger fave is mayday.!! heh. just amazed at his popularity... the ability to command everyone's attention and garner the loyalty of the mob.
just like the movie "Gladiator".. where Maximus was able to manipulate the emotions of mob and use it to his advantage. Vaguely remembered what I learnt in history in JC where Mr Low/Lo would emphasize on the power of the mob making or breaking the power of the rulers.
what am i writing here ah.. saturday morning..supposed to be at a basketball match at toa payoh hub. Rejected the invitation last minute coz really needed the rest from the 2 activity-filled days in sentosa.. and basketball?! The netball team very onz so doesn't mind trying out for
oh...and about my short getaway to sentosa spa and resort.. the spa botanica was really an indulgence. ! yup! very good...very fun...enjoyable...then....
To be continued as the hungry mochi ventures out to source for food...
I truly regret what I've done. I should have taken the opportunity to get up close and personal with you....take loads of pics and then auction it off in yahoo or something. Somemore with your original curly hair, I'm sure alot of fans would buy lor.
Seems like your concert tickets are priced at 10 bucks each... whole world seems to be able to afford it! okay la... mochi san... blame it on your slow reaction!! heh.
not that onz about getting his tics bigger fave is mayday.!! heh. just amazed at his popularity... the ability to command everyone's attention and garner the loyalty of the mob.
just like the movie "Gladiator".. where Maximus was able to manipulate the emotions of mob and use it to his advantage. Vaguely remembered what I learnt in history in JC where Mr Low/Lo would emphasize on the power of the mob making or breaking the power of the rulers.
what am i writing here ah.. saturday morning..supposed to be at a basketball match at toa payoh hub. Rejected the invitation last minute coz really needed the rest from the 2 activity-filled days in sentosa.. and basketball?! The netball team very onz so doesn't mind trying out for
oh...and about my short getaway to sentosa spa and resort.. the spa botanica was really an indulgence. ! yup! very good...very fun...enjoyable...then....
To be continued as the hungry mochi ventures out to source for food...
Monday, November 05, 2007
dot . dot . dot. .
say yess to polka doties!! bought these 2 at daisO! kawaii ka!.... a pouch and a mirror.. matching ne.

finally got rid of my inertia and put up this overdue mayday poster up on my wall... really like this poster loads..coz my ashin looks so dreamy here...

Sunday, November 04, 2007
remnants of my weekend.....nooooo.
ahhh.... wanna grab a copy of jay chou's cowboy very busy soon... in need of some new good music.. been repeatedly listening to the same old songs.
Recent few days of couch potatoing was very fruitful. noticed this new singer called 叮当.. her 海豚音is crazy lor.. dunno reach how many octaves.
went ubin cycle yesterday and think got seriously sunburnt. skin at the shoulder part hurts and feels burnt. but really loved the challenges of the slopes and terrain at ubin... definitely much more fun than cycling at the human infested east coast.
been receiving feedback that I should remove the leaves of the strawberries on my cake next time. haha. think i got weird sense of beauty really... i don't think my cake looks that bad. thought the foresty style was nice... and I recall having to remove the leaves of the strawberries whenever i eat them in does sharon san.. haha.. ehhhhh..but the choc sponge was nice k.... 内在美最重要.
Recent few days of couch potatoing was very fruitful. noticed this new singer called 叮当.. her 海豚音is crazy lor.. dunno reach how many octaves.
went ubin cycle yesterday and think got seriously sunburnt. skin at the shoulder part hurts and feels burnt. but really loved the challenges of the slopes and terrain at ubin... definitely much more fun than cycling at the human infested east coast.
been receiving feedback that I should remove the leaves of the strawberries on my cake next time. haha. think i got weird sense of beauty really... i don't think my cake looks that bad. thought the foresty style was nice... and I recall having to remove the leaves of the strawberries whenever i eat them in does sharon san.. haha.. ehhhhh..but the choc sponge was nice k.... 内在美最重要.
slapping yourself in the face...
has been some news about these 3 UK jerks who bullied this singaporean old trishaw uncle.refused to pay $10 after the ride and one of them even uploaded the video named "the slowest transport in the world".. totally disgraced themselves by uploading the video on youtube...kena bombarded by everyone. haha. stupid idiots la.
has been some news about these 3 UK jerks who bullied this singaporean old trishaw uncle.refused to pay $10 after the ride and one of them even uploaded the video named "the slowest transport in the world".. totally disgraced themselves by uploading the video on youtube...kena bombarded by everyone. haha. stupid idiots la.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
random stuff
saw an article in the papers about "how KPE saved me 2 mins". looking at the title alone would make you assume that the article is going to be a negative one. read on...and it in fact detailed how 2 min a day will equal to 60min a month and then 12 hours a year.
If she really thinks KPE is a waste of time and money, she can be more consistant in her writing what. like put a title "Minimal time savings using KPE"...or something like that...rather than " how KPE saved me 2 mins" you go " time leh."..then you go "huh?! 2 mins??!" just her luck that she isn't one of those who benefits from using KPE. heh
haven't been blogging much coz really caught up at work. changing portfolio now so loads of handing overs and stuff....but manage to finish my 布衣神相..! it's such a nice show with an incredible cast! next up watching my dvds for 溏心风暴... ganbatte!
ohhh..tried this restaurant at Rochester Park "Graze"... the problem with these kind of restaurants is that food is supa ex, okay tasting only, but the ambience is good la. I also want to open this type of restaurants... charge expensive, serve atas looking but okay tasting food, provide nice ambience and still able to make pple come back to my restaurant... heh.
looking forward to the short week next week..with deepavali...wanna go on a holiday soon! ahmad! let's go somewhere..!
If she really thinks KPE is a waste of time and money, she can be more consistant in her writing what. like put a title "Minimal time savings using KPE"...or something like that...rather than " how KPE saved me 2 mins" you go " time leh."..then you go "huh?! 2 mins??!" just her luck that she isn't one of those who benefits from using KPE. heh
haven't been blogging much coz really caught up at work. changing portfolio now so loads of handing overs and stuff....but manage to finish my 布衣神相..! it's such a nice show with an incredible cast! next up watching my dvds for 溏心风暴... ganbatte!
ohhh..tried this restaurant at Rochester Park "Graze"... the problem with these kind of restaurants is that food is supa ex, okay tasting only, but the ambience is good la. I also want to open this type of restaurants... charge expensive, serve atas looking but okay tasting food, provide nice ambience and still able to make pple come back to my restaurant... heh.
looking forward to the short week next week..with deepavali...wanna go on a holiday soon! ahmad! let's go somewhere..!
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