Sunday, February 17, 2013

Things CAN only get better.

oh man.

haven't posted in a long long while!

What have I been busy with ah. EVERYTHING!

Maybe FB and whatsapp makes it all too easy to keep in touch and rattle my thoughts to live beings that I do not need to blog anymore... heh.

I think it's still a good habit though, my personal chatroom in the virtual world.

A little reluctant to start this new year post with a SIGH. but really, I cannot for my life find a better descriptive.

a few marriages fell apart, news of the dreaded cancer and illness striking a few people around me, some really freak unfortunate accidents here and there...

Just as I was about to get over one incident, I hear the next and no, I hope the cycle stops.

I wish strength to those who are getting over what's happening to them and to people they love.

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