284 Posts, last published on Nov 1, 2006 – View Blog 

Caught my eye.
It's been a good 4 years since my old blog addy. Wow. I read through my really old posts and it gripped me hard that I could write better 4 years ago. My posts are so much shorter now decorated with pictures more than words.
I choose to believe that my engrish standard has maintained and I've advanced to a higher level, writing in a more concised manner. Positive x3!
The mere thought of the weekend is exciting as I'll be seeing my dearest becca san and sean. I've got 2 days to mull over which lens to bring for the staycation.
I hope my friends who are right now going through the phase I did 4 years ago will find strength and move on. Ganbatte ne! I wanna thank my blog buddy ayu who has been giving me encouragement...virtually! hahaha. It helps.
Ayu, let's meet up sooN!!!!
1 comment:
hey buddy so touched to see you mentioning my name! but ganbatte too and keep on blogging cos i will always be following your posts!
yah yah meet up soon with tnn! will let you know date after i discuss with her!
meantime keep on writing!
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