Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jurny's Journey.

~ see my model-like side profile...~

Babies are so lucky. They sleep regardless of what happens around them. You can pass them around and they can still be soundly snoozing away. One week old Jurny Tan En Qi was just like that. Jo said Jurny is meant to sound like Journey..symbolising the start of her life journey. But journey's spelling is too long n cumbersome and Jurny is really more unique.

Busy weekend and many more busy ones ahead. Assignments due. Work projects due. CNY round the corner. Events upcoming.

Lots of errands need to run but I've simply no time and energy to do them. Grrr. One good thing is I've managed to complete my exercise routine for the week. I have this urge to celebrate with Mac's Mcspicy. Drools. Not after I complete my run this evening...go GO GO!

Btw, Google has this super cool Google distance calculator which I use to calculate my jogging distance. usual route covers approx 5.3km and I usually take about 35mins to complete. Check it's really easy to use!

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