It was nice reminiscing the feeling of being rewarded in school days. Our stats lecturer bought us old chang kee curry puffs , my fave curry puffs by the way, to reward us for rating that we have more confidence in passing his stats module than the PR module. haha. PR lecturer is the worst lecturer ever. wondered how he got his PHD.
We tucked into the yummy puffs in the canteen. nostalgia. heh.
As I bit into the piping hot puffs then, I was reminded of the exams which are only 3 weeks away... oh..2 weeks away now. I wish I could be granted the study momentum instantaneously. I need it!!
A huge deterence to me gaining this momentum is my latest addiction to 学警狙击. It's evil and also ingenius how these tvb script writers can make EVERY episode end off with suspense...with a mole pressing the gun onto another fellow mole's head so to prove that they are not moles.
I'll catch juuuuuusssst one more episode to serenade me to sleep. and 9 more episodes to mochi who will be ready to benkyosuru!!
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